Marloth Park Epic Weekend

25th to 26th September 2020, Epic Weekend!

Lowveld Venom Suppliers, Wild & Free Rehabilitation Centre and Jonathan Leeming have teamed up to offer an epic weekend of unique activities, presented by experts in their fields. Limited spaces available for these events and early booking is essential. There are events for every age group and level of interest. For bookings and further information please select one of the following events. 

Spider Bite And Scorpion Sting First Aid Course

Friday 9am to 1pm, 25th September 2020

This spider bite and scorpion sting first aid course will give the participants the understanding and knowledge to:

  • Prepare for a spiderbite or scorpion sting emergency. 
  • Act effectively in the case of a spiderbite of scorpion sting. 
  • Apply effective first aid. 
  • Understand when professional medical intervention is required. 

Presented by southern Africa leading expert on spider bites and scorpion stings.

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Kids Nature Activity Day

Friday 3pm to 7pm, 25th September 2020

Lowveld Venom Suppliers, Wild and Free Rehabilitation Centre and Jonathan Leeming have put together a kids activity day. This unuqie childrens event is aimed at educating and developing a conservation mindset in the next generation and instil an awareness and safety about venomous animals of Marloth Park.

All proceeds from this event will go to Wild & Free Rehabilitation Centre.

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Venomous Snake Handling & Capture Course

Saturday 9am to 3pm, 26th September 2020

Join Chris Hobkirk and the Lowveld Venom Suppliers Team at Marloth park from 9am to 3pm on the 26th September for an epic Venomous Snake Capture & Handling Course. Presented by Chris Hobkirk and the LVS team, this course is a must for any reptile enthusiast. Places are limited so remember to book early to ensure you have a spot.

Presented by the Lowveld Venom Suppliers.

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Creepy Crawly Night Walk

Saturday 5:30pm to 7:30pm, 26th September 2020

Join author Jonathan Leeming for an evening walk in Marloth park in search of spiders and scorpions as well as things with lots of legs and things with no legs. UV torches will be available for purchase for this event. 

Led by Jonathan Leeming

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