Which presentation is best for my audience?

Which presentation is best suited for your event and audience?

My One World Presentations address values and beliefs required to connect your audience, to your sustainability targets and objectives. Each presentation has been written and designed to include your sustainability targets and objectives. 

Analogy based - the core message is communicated using an analogy which connects to the audience through values and beliefs. Analogies are a powerful way to communicate a message. Analogies present idea in unique and memorable ways. If your event features speakers with the same styles of presentations and message (longer events), then an analogy based presentation will provide a unique and refreshing change to the time of your event.

A good analogy can be genius in conveying a message in a compelling way. 

The message of an analogy can be customised to support your requirements. Analogies do not translate well to workshops or workbooks, however they can be supported by Conversations, Posters and Social Media to reinforce the analogy. 

Information based - the core message is communicated using a process of understanding, culminating in a realisation. The core message is developed throughout the presentation, culminating in a summary that puts everything together in an easy to understand way. The message of this kind of presentation can be customised to support your requirements. The structure and content of an information based presentations makes for compelling workshops and workbooks. Conversations, Posters and Social Media can be used to reinforce the message.

But which one will be suitable for your event and audience?

One World Inspire

Together we can change tomorrow today

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Bite Me!

How spiders can help us overcome the challenges of our time

BiteMe! is an analogy based presentation that leverages the audiences perceptions of spiders and their bites. 

Deadly Innovation

The secret to saving humanity from itself

Deadly Innovation is an analogy based presentation that leverages the audiences negative perceptions of venomous animals and their venoms.  

that focuses upon how our perceptions prevent us from identifying the opportunities that are all around us!  Using venom as an example of how something perceived as negative can be so beneficial to humanity.

Ideal for organisations who are implementing sustainability target and objectives by helping the audience see through their narrow view of the world. The use of venom as an analogy offers a fascinating dive into toxins and how venoms work. Using pharmaceuticals as an example of benefits 

Use the free Posters to support the message of Deadly Innovation. Your Sustainability Champions can use the Deadly Innovation as a workshop tool to get the conversation going.

Reinforce the message of The Ego/ Eco Paradigm  through:

  • One World Book
  • Deadly Innovation Posters (Free)
  • Deadly Innovation Conversations (Free)


Understanding our impact upon the world


Reinforce the message of Eco-Anxiety through:

  • One World Book
  • Eco-0Anxiety Posters (Free)
  • Eco-Anxiety Conversations (Free)
  • Eco-Anxiety Workshop
  • Eco-Anxiety Workbook

The Ego/ Eco Paradigm

Understanding our impact upon the world

The Ego-Eco Paradigm reframes our impact upon the world through a simple framework. Understanding this framework make the individual more aware and mindful of their impact and ultimately, how they either contribute to the organisations sustainability targets and objectives or contradicts them.

Ideal for organisations who are aiming to reducing the impact of their business activities or aspire to sustainability targets and objectives. Promotes initiative regarding how employees can reduce their impact in the workplace and at home. This presentation can be customised to your sustainability targets and objectives.

Use the free Posters to support the message of The Ego/ Eco Paradigm. Your Sustainability Champions can use the The Ego/ Eco Paradigm Conversations as a workshop tool to get the conversation going.

Reinforce the message of The Ego/ Eco Paradigm  through:

  • One World Book
  • The Ego/ Eco Paradigm Posters (Free)
  • The Ego/ Eco Paradigm Conversations (Free)
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